隱身於台北市林蔭大道巷弄內,在這片集合商業、金融為主的精華地帶中,【A Gallery】當代一畫廊的存在顯得獨樹一格。同時,畫廊的空間設計和營運方針,也透露出負責人企圖營造一種「藝術入生活,生活皆藝術」的氛圍。
負責人李恬寧認為,台灣有許多深具潛力的藝術家,然而礙於市場等諸多複雜因素,能夠曝光的機會有限,而作品的能量亦時常被國際畫壇所低估。這樣的觀察正是李恬寧成立【A Gallery】當代一畫廊的初衷,希望透過【A Gallery】當代一畫廊的推動,許多有實力的台灣藝術家能與世界接軌,實現創作無國界的理念。
帶著對台灣現代藝術發展的情感與使命感,【A Gallery】當代一畫廊於中國、亞洲當代藝術在台灣藝術市場環境顯得熱絡的今日,希冀透過自身對藝術的信念和擁有的資源,結合專業的藝術顧問規畫與執行,並進一步將台灣具有充沛和優秀創作能量的藝術家,推廣到國際市場。同時,【A Gallery】當代一畫廊也會不定期舉辦藝文活動與講座來與各界進行交流,
【A Gallery】當代一畫廊所堅持的,除了是成為台灣現代藝術傳統的延續者,也是推動台灣當代藝術朝向國際的推動角色。秉持這樣的信念和營運方針,也自我期許成為台灣藝術領域中無可取代的專業畫廊。
當代一畫廊 負責人Sissy Lee李恬寧
聯絡電話: +886 2 2702-3327
Secretly situated in an alley by a boulevard of Taipei city, the presence of A Gallery has, among many successful commercial and financial institutions, become unique and distinguished. In the meantime, it also reveals a sense of “life for art and art for life” if we take a close look into its curator’s ideal for spatial arrangement and gallery running policy.
Li Tien-Ning, the curator of A Gallery, considers Taiwan a place for many potential artists but they are often neglected due to many complex factors from the market and their works are often underestimated by international community of art galleries. Such an observation has become the incentive for Lee to create a platform of A Gallery for these potential artists and introduce them to the global world.
Despite not exactly an artist herself, Li Tien-Ning keeps a keen eye and good taste on art and such kind of aesthetic nurturing and facilitation can be associated with her father, Lee Xiqi. When it comes to the development of the modern art in Taiwan, Lee Xiqi has played a significant role as an artist and, moreover, once as an art gallery curator, he had also improved and created more opportunities for the development of modern art in Taiwan to the international community. Many famous Chinese oversea artists such as Chu Tehchun and Chu Tehchun, also other important modern art creators from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Philippine, Thailand and Japan, were closely connected to Taiwan under the curating of Lee Xiqi. Throughout the development of modern art in Taiwan after 80’, Lee has undoubtedly provided a conspicuous trace for us to follow. Thus, Inheriting from this legacy of connoisseurship and practicality from Lee Xiqi, A Gallery will offer a free and pluralistic platform for modern art participators.
In a time where modern art in Asia and China have flourished in the art market of Taiwan, with its zeal and mission for the modern art in Taiwan, A Gallery wish to integrate art consultancy, organization and execution with its own faith and resources and promote potential artists in Taiwan to the international market. Also, art forums or activities will be held occasionally to engage audiences from different fields in art conversation. It is anticipated for A Gallery to become a successor of modern art in Taiwan as well as a promoter to introduce the modern art in Taiwan to the international art community. With these faith and gallery running policy, A Gallery also wishes to turn itself into one of irreplaceable professional galleries in the art community of Taiwan.
A Gallery Manager : Sissy Lee
TEL: +886 2 2702 3327